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CINC’s 'spring-cleaning': An update

Relating to the last post, some might assume that the CINC team has been taking a synchronized incubation break lately. But actually its quite the opposite. The lack of online communications is simply due to lack of time – everybody has been busy doing some pretty interesting things. So now, its time for a CINC ‘spring cleaning’ and finally fill you in on those projects and events we’ve been working on lately.

  • First of all, CINC team-members participated in Forskningens Døgn, with twelve events all in all. The events were quite diverse, ranging from lectures, facilitation of the Idea-chain to a ’Creativity Clash’.

  • Team members also put together an exhibition in collaboration with Frederiksberg Kommune to show the results of the Copenhagen Service Jam. The event was part of the Global Service Jam event with around 3000 participants worldwide, and 25 happy jammers locally in Copenhagen. Departing from a theme shared by all jammers worldwide, they spent 48 hours ideating, prototyping, and user testing.

  • The first Creative CINC’ing event took place, where we experience prototyped an upcoming monthly networking event hosted by CINC where people interested in creativity can meet and share interesting thoughts while ’networking about nothing’! We thought it would be a fun idea to be able to un-formally network while enjoying a beer or two.

  • Another exciting event CINC is collaborating on with brilliant creativity experts is the re-birth of Creativity Gym, which is a weekly workout for your brain. The Creativity Gym hour consists of exercises being facilitated by a ‘creativity instructor’, which are all intended to work on, and advance, your creative capabilities. Who doesn't want to flex their creative muscle?

  • Additionally, one of our team members is currently situated in Bali, collaborating with a client in making the Design Cook Book! We’re so excited to see the result of that (however it won’t be the first cook book by a CINC’er...)

  • We've also been preparing for a collaboration with three Design Engineers from DTU on a project with CINC that is to take place in June. They will be working with our tool devlopers on developing product development games for engineers - adding to CINC's evergrowing tool-box!

And last, but surely not least, CINC is preparing to move into our new office space! We can’t wait to show you our new habitat when the move and integration is finalized. Such exciting times for us CINC'ers and hopefully our followers as well. Until next time...

Dagny Valgeirsdottir

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