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Learn Neurocreativity on the Research Day

Learn NeuroCreativity – for free!

The team behind Copenhagen Institute of NeuroCreativity have all signed up for the Research Day festival by the National Board of Research and Innovation. And we’re happy to say the response has been overwhelming! Among more than 300 lectures submitted by researchers around the country, we’ve been booked for 10 lectures between us (and bookings are still open!).

In the lecture “Kreativitet I Innovationsprocesser” (Creativity in Innovation processes), Julie talks about recent research into the role of creativity in the innovation process and how creativity has a key role throughout the whole process, and not merely in the early ideation phase.

In “Gamifying Creativity” Angga and Torbjørn shows how a gamified approach to ideation may help creative confidence, and consequently the creative performance, by gamifying the process of early ideation. As a bonus, the participants are also invited to try out their game, fresh from the printers.

Dagny talks about assessment of creativity and product innovation in her talk “Creativity Assessment: Different aspects and different purposes”, arguing that increased knowledge of the creative process behind a product, leads to higher valuation of the product by the end consumers.

Finally, CINC co-founder Dr. Balder is available for a lecture exploring the role of external and internal constraints in the creative process with his talk “Creativity Constraints: From neurological barriers to design requirements”.Hope to see you there for some inspirational talks, and perhaps a cold beverage afterwards!

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