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Can you be innovative without being creative?
The term “Innovation” no doubt competes for the prize as “most frequently used buzzword of the 21st Century”. Whether it’s radical,...

Metacognition – the director in you
Think of your mind as a movie set. If your thoughts are the actors then metacognition is the director. “Metacognition” is thinking about...

The Creativity Battle
Why we cannot reserve the concept of creativity for artists and marketers Being an academic creativity researcher, it is always...

Collect creativity in one app
During the last couple of years CINC staff have been facilitating numerous workshops around the world. All equally interesting and...

Neurocreativity Mini-series: an Apple, a Ferrari, and the Human Brain
The human brain functions on many structural levels, allowing us the ability to exploit sensory inputs like sight and sound to make...

CINC's Summer Getaway in Bali
As the summer sun started to peek out of the clouds, we were a bit too eager to take breaks and enjoy the nice weather, but we knew we...

The Creative Process - A Two Sided Coin
As we move into the summer months here at the Copenhagen Institute of NeuroCreativity, we are starting a new mini-series of blog entries...
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