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Metacognition – the director in you
Think of your mind as a movie set. If your thoughts are the actors then metacognition is the director. “Metacognition” is thinking about...

The Creativity Battle
Why we cannot reserve the concept of creativity for artists and marketers Being an academic creativity researcher, it is always...

Neurocreativity Mini-series: a Coffee Cup on Wheels Sounds Crazy! But is it?
In the last post, we explored how pieces of information are stored in groups of neurons. Recall that when thinking of an object, many...

Neurocreativity Mini-series: an Apple, a Ferrari, and the Human Brain
The human brain functions on many structural levels, allowing us the ability to exploit sensory inputs like sight and sound to make...

Creative Problem Solving: Increasingly Valuable but Misunderstood
Discussions about creative intelligence are ever more frequent, the accompanying skill sets sought after more and more in all sectors of...
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